19 December 2011

Detroit Lions 28, Oakland Raiders 27

14 games, and Mathilda Stafford is still standing.  She took a hit early against the Raiders and did a half-roll on the ground, complete with one of her trademark winces—it looked IR here we come, but no, she got back up and kept firing.  14 games, and Mathilda Stafford is still standing. . .and now the Lions can probably back into the playoffs. . .but one win and they’re in for sure.  Another great comeback for the Lions.  Media were slagging the Lions for their undisciplined play after the Packers and Saints games. . .Jim Schwartz was taking heat for being an enabler, blah blah.  But now it appears Krazy Jim will have the last manic laugh.  The Lions have discipline when they need it.  When the margin for error is razor thin, they make plays to win.  But the key is Mathilda staying on her feet.  She’s the difference-maker.  Calvin Johnson had a great game, for sure, but it all rides on Mathilda.  She’s got to throw 50 times a game, now, as the Lions are basically playing without a running back.  And here’s the good news: if the season ended today, as they say, in the playoffs we would be treated to Pat-a-Cake Bowl II, the Harbaugh-Schwartz rematch.

1 comment:

  1. No way Stafford could have survived the NFL 10 years ago. . . . shoot, 5 years ago before the Brady rule.

    Hopefully for Detroit, he survives the playoffs.

    And since we are nearing the playoffs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3-eavMSBnk&feature=related
